Head Start

CORS Head Start: Full-Day / Full-Year Option

Operates 6 hours per day, five days per week, in a classroom setting, Individualized learning plans and small group, child-focused teaching activities Low teacher- to -child ratio, Opportunities for parents to help with classroom activities and at home, Services for children with special needs.
CORS Head Start: Full-Day / School-Year Option

Operates 6 hours per day, four days per week, during the school year Individualized learning plans and small group, child-focused teaching activities, Low teacher- to -child ratio, Opportunities for parents to help with classroom activities and at homeServices for children with special needs.

CORS Head Start: Part-Day / Part-Year Option

Operates 3 1⁄2 hours per day, four days per week, 36 weeks per year in a classroom setting. Enrollment for morning or afternoon classes is available. Individualized learning plans and small group, child-focused teaching activities Low teacher- to -child ratio. Opportunities for parents to help with classroom activities and at home

Services for children with special needs

Round-trip transportation offered between home and centers is available at some locations

Home-Based: Full Year Option

Weekly 1.5 hour home visits, Periodic group socialization days, Comprehensive physical health, mental health and age-appropriate nutrition

services for children and families, Services for children with special needs


The first day of school is an exciting experience for children when they feel prepared and ready. CORS Head Start teaches all of the skills that educators and the Ohio Department of Education have identified as necessary for each child to be successful in kindergarten and the early grades.

Academic Skills

Print first name, last name and numbers 1-20, Count to 100 and add/subtract items, Exposed to reading, science and social studies

Comfortable using traditional school tools: pencils, erasers, crayons, scissors, glue, Experience using an iPad, computers and other technology

Personal Hygiene

Button and zip clothing, tie shoes, put on and take off coat, Use the bathroom, wash hands, use a tissue to blow nose, cover mouth/nose when sneezing.

Social and Emotional

Know first and last name and know parents’ names, play and share with others, Express feelings of hurt or sickness.

Basic Safety Rules

Watch for cars in a parking lot and crossing a street, Know not to talk with strangers

Early Head Start

Pregnant women to infant/toddlers birth to 36 months

Head Start

Preschoolers 36-60 months

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